If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Weed Warrior Event
Saturday, February 15th 10-12 noon
Join us for a winter Weed Warrior event at Washingtonian Woods Park, Gaithersburg. The weather should be perfect for attacking invasives that are harming our natives.
Where to park: Get to it by turning off Muddy Branch Road at Midsummer Drive, and then take the first right into the parking area on Hillside Lake Terrace. Park closest to the park.
Which Invasives: We will be working on Oriental Bittersweet, an invasive vine that truly impacts trees and the general beauty of the watershed. There is also some Mulitflora Rose in this area we will address as well. We will learn the difference between the invasives and native grape and poison ivy…both of which we want to leave healthy.
What to bring & What to wear: Bring hand-held pruners, and wear sturdy jeans. Expect to be in moist soils and on slopes. Students can earn SSL hours, too – bring your form and our supervisor can sign for the time worked.
Email Paul or Mary at phlavinka@gmail.com with questions or to RSVP. See you on the trail!