If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Join USGBC National Capital Region for our second annual event to celebrate Women in Green.
Network with peers and panelists as we discuss what it means to be a woman working to advance green building in the DC metro area.
Be part of an important morning that celebrates women in local sustainability who are at the top of their game. Get inspired at this critical time for environmentalism and feminism.
The panel discussion and facilitated sessions will focus on the complexities of women’s leadership and proven leadership principles practiced by female executives who are changing the way we think and build in the national capital region. Enjoy breakfast in a LEED certified space, and group sessions aiming at discussing professional and leadership topics.
Thank you to our event sponsors, DPR Construction and HKS Architects, and venue sponsors, GHT Limited and HOK.