If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Mark your calendars for May 26th for annual U.S. Green Building Council’s, National Capital Region’s Women in Green (Virtual) Power Breakfast. This yearly influential event now enjoying its National ten-year anniversary, has never had more importance than it does this year, a year that has tested women’s resilience like never before. Hear from women who have navigated the troubled waters brought on by the pandemic and listen to stories of their steadfastness and strength.
USGBC’s own survey on women in the workforce revealed 62% of respondents agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic is negatively impacting workplace equity. The United Nations also cautioned that COVID-19 could undo decades of meaningful progress around gender equality. With women’s workforce participation at an all-time low, how can we find a “better normal” and help reverse this disturbing trend. Together we will focus not only on how we survive, but also how we CAN thrive.
We have a scholarship opportunity for Students and Emerging Professionals! Provided by our Scholarship Sponsors DPR Construction and Sustainable Building Partners.
Applications can be submitted HERE! They will be reviewed on a case by case basis.