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Movie Screening: Decoding the Weather Machine
A Nova| PBS Movie
Friday, July 20, 2018 (Evening)
TIME: 6:30 pm – Bar opens; 7pm– Film starts
1526 New Hampshire Avenue, NW (at Q St.), Washington, DC 20036
EVENT TYPE: Movie Night
Climate Change affects many aspects of our lives today and will do so for generations to come. This NOVA/PBS film, Decoding the Weather Machine, explores why there is an overwhelming consensus among scientists about how climate change is affecting our weather systems throughout the world. Along with the climatic effects of increased levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, this film discusses how scientists are presenting solutions to mitigating these effects upon our planet. Come join us as we see how this is happening and what is being done to cope with it to the best of our resources.
PRICE: $20 Members/$25 Non-members/$15 Young Dems (includes hors d’oeuvres and movie); $10 movie only. Cash bar.
For more information: http://democraticwoman.org/movie-night-decoding-the-weather-machine/