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Youth Leadership on the Plastics Crisis
October 24, 2022, 9:00 am (EDT) / 10 am (Rio de Janeiro) / 1600 (Moscow)
A Pathways through the Plastics Crisis webinarHosted by Don’t Waste Our Earth (WOE), in partnership with Integrative Strategies Forum, Eco-Accord, European ECO Forum, and One Montgomery GreenThe very concept of “sustainability” focuses on the needs of future generations, particularly on the consequences of our current behavior and policies on those future generations. This webinar looks at examples of young people in different countries working to help address the catastrophic consequences of plastic pollution. One question is: What can older generations do to help empower and enable young people as they engage in this struggle, both locally and globally?Aims of the webinar
- To raise awareness about the role young people are playing and the challenges they face in addressing the plastics crisis.
- To discuss and identify their view, needs, obstacles and opportunities within the plastic crisis movement — locally and globally.
- What inspires young people to get engaged in the movement to end plastic pollution?
- How well is the education system educating students about the plastics crisis?
- What opportunities do young people have to make a difference in ending plastic pollution?
- What percentage of high school students and young adults are concerned and just need some encouragement to become engage vs. those unconcerned, pessimistic and/or simply uninterested?
Youth speakers are affiliated with the following groups
- Student Advocates Protecting the Planet (SAPPlings) (USA)
- Clean Headwaters Project of One Montgomery Green (USA)
- Clean Games (RU)
- Brazil Chapter of Break Free From Plastics (BR)
To register, click here.