Montgomery County Global Climate Action Summit Affiliate
Leading the Way – Montgomery County Confronts Climate Change
On Aug 14, 2018 One Montgomery Green (OMG), Integrative Strategies Forum (ISF), Poolesville Green (PG) and the Office of Councilmember Tom Hucker organized a public meeting at the Silver Spring Civic Building called “Leading the Way–Montgomery County Confronts Climate Change”. It’s purpose was to share what local organizations are doing to address climate change, review the county’s programs as reported in its Climate Mobilization Report, and discuss programs and policies participants feel the county should expand or create to help address climate change and meet the county’s ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gases. The event was organized in conjunction with the Global Climate Action Summit, September 12-14, 2018, in San Francisco as a local, affiliate event.
More than 80 county residents, specialists, stakeholders and public officials attended and reflected expertise in many different aspects of the climate change challenge. After welcome remarks from Councilmember Hans Riemer and a keynote address by Patty Bubar, Deputy Director or the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, the participants broke into small groups to discuss several thematic topics, including — Land and Ocean Stewardship, Healthy Energy Systems, Sustainable Communities, and Climate Change Economics. The resulting discussion points and suggestions from the thematic groups served to inform an outcome document that was presented to county leaders and released to the public at a public briefing on Sept. 12 at the County Council Office Building in Rockville, MD.
• The Healthy Energy Systems challenge focuses on the global clean energy revolution that is decarbonizing energy and transport systems and enabling healthy people and places.
• Climate Change Economics (Inclusive Economic Growth and Transformative Climate Investments) challenge focuses on business climate leadership, and how bringing everyone on board can generate good jobs, spur global development, and leave no one behind, mobilizing investment on an unprecedented scale, to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, to spur innovation, and to accelerate a clean and resilient economy.
• The Land and Ocean Stewardship challenge focuses on acknowledging the role that forests, food, lands and other ecosystems must play in mitigating climate change and making our world more resilient, while also ensuring sufficient food supplies for a growing population.
• The Sustainable Communities challenge focuses on sustainable buildings, cities, communities and infrastructure that are clean, healthy and livable, and improve quality of life for all.