What is the SAPPlings Project?
SAPPlings (Student Advocates Protecting the Planet) is a project created by high school students for high school students in Montgomery County, Maryland. Its purpose is to share information about environmental issues and help students take part in meaningful activities to live more sustainably and make a difference in their schools, their communities and the world at large.
Concerned about the multiple environmental challenges we face locally and worldwide, high school students want to know how they can improve the state of the world today and in the future. In addition to sharing projects, events, internships and job opportunities with other students, SAPPlings cover subjects such as plastics waste, climate change, energy efficiency, biodiversity, Chesapeake Bay health, ozone depletion, renewable energy, cleaner transportation, the County climate plan, composting, recycling, the MCPS sustainability plan, heat islands, and much more.
Students in grades 9-12 from any school (or homeschooled) in the county may join the project’s online forums, workshops and live events. sapplings@onemontgomerygreen.org
SAPPlings seeks to offer information on a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity, extreme weather, pollution, plastics waste, water quality, air quality, reforestation, ocean acidification and much more. Register for any SAPPlings forum or workshop and we’ll send you the password for the Resources page. Click on the lock to enter password.

Past Event
2023 Student Forum: “Sustainable Holidays”
Watch: https://youtu.be/YwthvAu_ZuE
How to Get Involved
High school students can join forums and workshops by simply registering for sessions and events you will find on the One Montgomery Green events calendar, the My Green Montgomery community calendar, the SAPPlings FaceBook page, Twitter and Instagram (see below), among other places.
Leadership: High School Point Persons and Advisory Group Members
SAPPlings needs point persons at each high school in the county. Point Persons’ responsibilities include posting SAPPlings events in a high school and on the school’s social media platforms as well as informing relevant clubs and groups. Estimated time commitment: 1-2 hours per month (SSL hrs available). To volunteer or learn more, email sapplings@onemontgomerygreen.org.
Advisory Group members plan and moderate forum topics, workshops and live events. They also represent SAPPlings in other programs and they can earn SSL hours for their service. Estimated time commitment: 4-6 hours per month. SAPPlings seeks to build a diverse AG and is currently seeking additional members. To apply or learn more, email sapplings@onemontgomerygreen.org.
Our Team

Contact Us
The project is supported by One Montgomery Green and coordinated by Laura Barnitz. Email: sapplings@onemontgomerygreen.org. For more information and social media platforms go to our Link Tree.