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climate solutions

Climate Solutions for Congregations: Bridging Spiritual Wisdom & Environmental Stewardship

You (and Your Congregation) are Invited!  CONGREGATIONS: You and your congregation are invited to attend the "Climate Solutions for Congregations: Bridging Spiritual Wisdom and Environmental Stewardship," in partnership with the Montgomery County Office of Community Partnerships (OCP), the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and fellow faith groups across the County. S...
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Earth Day Live series: Can we reverse climate change by rebuilding organic matter?

  Regenerative agriculture has the power to change the world. Agriculture faces a trifecta of potentially devastating challenges. As a result of overfarming, development and other factors, soil capacity is dramatically declining. About one-third of the world’s topsoil is already acutely degraded, and the United Nations estimates a complete degradation within 60 years.* The United St...
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