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environmental racism

DC EcoWomen Virtual Book Club — A Terrible Thing to Waste

Washington combines extensive scientific research with deep reporting to demonstrate that the black-white IQ gap is not a reflection of inherent racial difference but the product of unequal living and working environments. In a powerful indictment of systemic racism, Washington links studies proving the negative physical and cognitive effects of lead and other heavy metals, neurotoxins, bad nutr...
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DCEcoWomen Book Club—A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind

A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind by Harriet A. Washington. Washington combines extensive scientific research with deep reporting to demonstrate that the black-white IQ gap is not a reflection of inherent racial difference but the product of unequal living and working environments. In a powerful indictment of systemic racism, Washington links s...
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