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Nature Forward Conservation Café: Yoga, Birds & Bocaditos

Enjoy birds, yoga and delicious treats as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on October 9th @ 5 pm at Woodend Nature Sanctuary You're invited to join us for a remarkable experience of birding, yoga, and food! Expert birder, yoga instructor, and recent Naturally Latinos Conference speaker Mariá Elena Montero will lead us on a unique bird walk combined with gentle yoga moves. As a b...
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2019 Sierra Club Maryland Jamboree

Register for the Jamboree Sierra Club 2019 Maryland Jamboree   Every 2 years, environmentalists gather in Maryland for our JAMBOREE, a weekend of educational workshops, hiking, yoga, speakers, and live music. The Jamboree is where new and existing volunteers to come together to connect with nature lovers and advocates and learn about campaig...
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Women’s Outdoor Weekend Retreat

Women's Outdoor Weekend Retreat Friday, September 7 - Sunday, September 9 Rockwood Manor, 11001 MacArthur Blvd., Potomac, MD 20854 The Women's Outdoor Retreat is all about fun, friendship and adventure! Choose from a wide array of activities: flat water kayaking, archery, nature hikes, yoga, rock climbing, ziplining and more! Cost $345 covers all meals, dorm-style lodging, all activities inclu...
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