Calendar of Events

If you know of any events of interest please reach out to

Fight for Our Future: Rally for Climate, Care, Jobs and Justice

Join us Sat. April 23: Big White House rally to demand federal climate action now! On Saturday April 23, thousands of climate activists like you and me will be converging on the White House. We’ll be singing and chanting and praying with an urgent message for Joe Biden and Congress: It’s now or never for […]

ANS Naturalist Hour: Rare Birds in the DC Area

Rare Birds in the DC Area Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00 PM Matthew Felperin Roving Naturalist–NOVA Parks Matthew Felperin, the roving naturalist with the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, will delight us with the vagrant out-of-range bird species that show up in the DC area.  Join us by registering here

Ask An EV Owner

May 4, 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm On the 1st Wednesday of the every month join EVADC for our on-line Ask An EV Owner event.  Are you shopping for an EV?  Do you have questions about your new EV? Or are you just curious about EVs?  If you can answer yes to any of these questions then this event is […]

Conservation Montgomery’s Spring Big Tree Tour: The Champion Trees of Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase Elementary School 4015 Rosemary Street, Chevy Chase

Conservation Montgomery's Spring Big Tree Tour: The Champion Trees of Chevy Chase Saturday, May 7 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm The inimitable Joe Howard has has once again graciously offered to lead a Spring tour of big tree champions in the Chevy Chase area. Most of the trees we'll see are at private homes. […]

Capital Area Solar Co-op Info Session: Maryland

Have you ever thought about adding solar panels to your home? Now’s your chance! Thanks to all the support for our previous solar co-op, we're thrilled to announce another opportunity to go solar with us: The Capital Area Solar Co-op is officially open! The solar co-op is here to make it easier for you and […]

350MoCo May Meeting: Book Discussion “The Ministry for the Future”

350MoCo May Meeting: Book Discussion "The Ministry for the Future" NOW VIRTUAL!  See below! Besides updates on key climate topics from around the County, the meeting will feature a book club-type discussion of the influential climate-future novel, The Ministry for the Future. It covers key themes in a very engaging fashion. The questions addressed include: Do […]