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Bike to Work Day

Check out different routes & paths in the County to plan your Bike to Work Day excursion and you may win a prize! Friday, May 21 Sponsored by MCDOT for 20 years; Telecommuters Encouraged to Participate. Register for Bike to Work Day 15 pit stops sponsored by Montgomery County's Department of Transportation(MCDOT) will be part of the annual region-wide celebration. Commuter Connection...
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Sierra Club Maryland Legislative Victory Party

Dear Supporter, The 2021 Maryland legislative session wrapped up on April 12, and what a wild ride! We accomplished big things together! Dear Supporter, The 2021 Maryland legislative session wrapped up on April 12, and what a wild ride! We accomplished big things together! Join Sierra Club friends and neighbors via Zoom on Tuesday evening, May 18, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, to celebrate the impor...
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EcoWomen EcoHour

For our May 18th EcoHour, join us to hear from Sarah K. Mock, author of the newly published Farm (And Other F Words). The seed for Sarah K Mock's passion for farming was planted on her family's farm in Wyoming. As it grew, so too did her need to find the answer to a critical question: is it possible to farm without exploiting farmers, farmworkers, the environment, or communities? Mock's search for...
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UUCF Climate Conversation #5 Biodiversity: Why Our Survival Depends On It?

Sunday, May 16, 2 p.m. Please join a panel of guest speakers who will discuss this critical topic: Dr. Tom Lovejoy of George Mason University, the world-famous biologist and environmental advocate and educator who coined the term "biological diversity;" and Mr. Kevin Coyle, counsel to the President and CEO at the National Wildlife Federation and a long-time environmental educator. Register i...
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The Climate Mobilization Montgomery County Meeting

Climate Mobiliation
Help develop a 2021 Climate Action Agenda for Montgomery County! 🌸🌱  We'll discuss the climate progress being made in Annapolis and Washington, preview our TCM 2021 webinar series, and outline the ways you can get involved with TCM in this most important year for climate action. MoCO TCM  invites you to bring your ideas and lived experiences.  It will take a community of creative and sharing...
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The Capital Area Solar Co-op is officially open!

In these challenging times, our work to create an equitable energy system continues. We want everyone to have control over their energy production, with solar on every rooftop and money in every pocket. Solar co-ops are a big part of this work. The solar co-op will make it easier for you and your neighbors in Maryland to go solar! Join our free Webinar to learn more! Webinars are free ...
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Eco Evenings with DEP and OMG

Eco Evenings will be hosted by Adam Ortiz, Director of DEP and Wendy Howard, Executive Director of OMG who will lead lively discussions on timely environmental topics, answer questions, and bring special guests and eco experts to our County audiences. In celebration of Earth Month, the first topic will be on climate actions; highlights from the Montgomery County Climate Action Plan will be disc...
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EARTHDAY‍.ORG’s Second-Annual “Earth Day Live: Restore Our Earth” Digital Livestream Event

To spur climate action and bring awareness to humanity's greatest existential threat, EARTHDAY‍.ORG will bring together activists, educators, researchers, musicians, artists, influencers and more for its second-annual Earth Day Live: Restore Our Earth digital livestream event The initial announcement of incredible participants for this year's event includes:   AJR, Band His Serene H...
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Meet the Watersheds Virtual Green Drinks Happy Hour

Join us as we "Meet the Watersheds" of Montgomery County and the groups that are working to keep them clean and healthy. NOTE: This event rescheduled from Thursday, March 25, to Wednesday, April 21.     This graphic shows the process of water entering the watershed. When it rains, all of the water drains to one body of water. It falls on land and travels to a stream and eventually a r...
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